How to Help a Teen With Depression

How to Help a Teen With Depression

As a parent, guardian or mentor, helping a depressed teen in your care can be a major undertaking. Supporting someone with depression requires empathy, understanding and continuous proactive involvement. If you are actively trying to learn how to help a teen with...

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5 Signs of Depression in Teens

5 Signs of Depression in Teens

From increased academic expectations to physical changes, people typically face a lot of challenges during their teen years. For teens with depression, this period can be especially hard.  The signs of depression during this time can vary. While the external signs of...

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Treatment Options for Self-Harm

Treatment Options for Self-Harm

Self-harm is a serious behavior, and it’s often a sign that someone is struggling with depression or another mental health condition. Taking many forms, self-harm often develops as a way to cope with other mental health symptoms. Teens can develop self-harming...

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Self-Harm Addiction Signs You Should Know About

Self-Harm Addiction Signs You Should Know About

Like other compulsive behaviors, self-harm can make you feel addicted. You may feel like you need to self-harm to cope with the world and your internal state. While self-harm or self-injury is not defined as an addiction, it can have similar effects. People struggling...

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5 Signs That You’re Experiencing Passive Suicidal Ideation

5 Signs That You’re Experiencing Passive Suicidal Ideation

Suicide is a leading cause of death among college students, with approximately 1,000 suicides occurring on campuses each year. About 10% of students consider killing themselves and 1.5% engage in suicidal behavior. These statistics prove how important it is to address...

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Therapy for Self-Harm: When to Seek Help

Therapy for Self-Harm: When to Seek Help

Are you experiencing self-harming thoughts or behaviors? If so, it might be time to seek treatment. Self-harm can be dangerous, hurting your physical and mental condition. Though people who engage in self-harm often use it as a coping mechanism, it can actually make...

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7 Unique Depression Symptoms Teens May Experience

7 Unique Depression Symptoms Teens May Experience

Depression isn’t always obvious, and it doesn’t look the same for every person who is diagnosed with it. It can be tempting to shrug off mental health struggles. But it’s important to practice some self-reflection and take note of your emotions, thoughts and behaviors...

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