Can Playing Team Sports Improve Teens’ Mental Health?

Can Playing Team Sports Improve Teens’ Mental Health?

In today’s fast-paced world, teenagers are grappling with unprecedented mental health challenges. Studies have revealed a troubling trend that’s resulting in a mental health crisis for teens. Approximately 1 in 7 adolescents aged 10 to 19 experience a mental health...

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9 Ways That Teens Can Benefit From Mental Health Services

9 Ways That Teens Can Benefit From Mental Health Services

Being a teenager is a very exciting time. It can also be a very confusing time, especially with mental health. Mental health challenges are incredibly common in teens. Studies show that around 50% of teens experience a mental health disorder at some point in their...

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8 Ways Therapy Can Help Teens Beat Seasonal Depression

8 Ways Therapy Can Help Teens Beat Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), can affect teens in profound ways, causing them to experience persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness, and impacting their energy levels and daily activities. SAD can manifest in different...

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How Can Teens Improve Their Mental Health? 7 Strategies

How Can Teens Improve Their Mental Health? 7 Strategies

Mental health isn’t something you only focus on at certain times, like during a therapy session. Your mental health affects you all the time, and it has an impact on everything you do. If you’re already feeling anxious or depressed, it’s hard to practice a sport, be...

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How To Set Boundaries With Your Parents: Advice for Teens

How To Set Boundaries With Your Parents: Advice for Teens

Setting boundaries is an essential part of any healthy relationship, including the one you have with your parents. Boundaries are the guidelines you establish to define what kinds of behavior are acceptable and unacceptable, how you expect to be treated, and what your...

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