Severe Anxiety: 3 Symptoms to Look For
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Are you experiencing severe anxiety symptoms? From generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), there are many mental health conditions that can be associated with severe anxiety. Anxiety doesn’t manifest in the same way for everyone. If you’re not sure whether you have an anxiety disorder, it can be helpful to get insights from a professional. Another way to learn more about your condition is by educating yourself on the typical symptoms of anxiety. When you know what symptoms to look out for, you can get a better understanding of your own situation. This can empower you to make informed decisions on your treatment and recovery journey.

Common symptoms of severe anxiety

  • Chronic worrying — Chronic, constant worrying is a common aspect of anxiety. You may get worried about things that seem minor or insignificant to other people. Your worries may also start to disrupt your daily life. For example, you might have trouble enjoying yourself because your mind is occupied with worry. People with severe anxiety often worry about relationships, upcoming events, social obligations and other everyday situations. The worry you feel may seem overwhelming and uncontrollable. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, management is important. Mental health treatment can help address your worries and alleviate your stress.
  • Sleep disturbances — Severe anxiety tends to have a negative impact on sleep patterns. A person who usually sleeps well each night may start waking up throughout the night due to anxiety. In addition to frequent awakenings, you may also have trouble getting to sleep. People with severe anxiety often experience insomnia. Left untreated, sleep disturbances can make your other symptoms more intense. You may feel more tired, anxious and irritable during the day. This makes addressing sleep disturbances crucial. 
  • Physical discomfort — The symptoms of severe anxiety are not strictly mental. Anxious thoughts and feelings can lead to a range of physical symptoms. People with severe anxiety often experience symptoms including headaches, muscle tension and increased heart rate. You may also experience gastrointestinal issues such as stomach pain and indigestion. If these symptoms are connected to your anxiety, they will likely flare up whenever you are feeling especially anxious. For some people, anxiety is a symptom of a panic disorder. Panic attacks tend to involve numerous physical symptoms. During a panic attack, you may experience trembling, sweating, dizziness and other uncomfortable sensations. To alleviate physical symptoms and prevent more in the future, professional intervention is key.

Top coping strategies for managing the symptoms of severe anxiety

  • Relaxation techniques — By intentionally relaxing your mind, you can work to alleviate some of your pent-up stress and anxiety. There are plenty of strategies available to help you relax. Techniques range from deep breathing to listening to calming music. Another common exercise is progressive muscle relaxation. With this technique, you concentrate on relaxing each muscle group in your body one by one to lower your stress levels. Holistic mental health treatment typically involves a set of relaxation techniques tailored to your condition and personal needs.
  • Active hobbies — Physical activity can be great for managing anxiety. By moving your body, you release endorphins — feel-good chemicals that can help relieve stress and anxiety. There are a lot of ways to release endorphins, so you can find an active hobby that you personally enjoy. Popular activities include yoga, jogging and cycling. Participating in a casual sport can also be a fun way to stay active.
  • Professional support — Are you having a hard time managing your anxiety alone? Fortunately, you don’t have to do it without support. Professional mental health support can be essential in the process of managing severe anxiety. When it comes to addressing anxiety, one highly effective approach to treatment is process-based therapy (PBT). PBT is a fully personalized framework using the most effective aspects of other evidence-based therapeutic modalities. It also incorporates compassion-based and somatic therapies to target the drivers behind the symptoms of anxiety.

Lightfully Behavioral Health can help you manage your severe anxiety symptoms

At Lightfully Behavioral Health, we have a range of treatment options designed to help clients address their anxiety. We offer multiple levels of care to suit a wide range of mental health needs. Working closely with you, our compassionate experts will develop a holistic treatment plan tailored to your needs. With evidence-driven treatments like psychotherapy, we can help you build coping skills and reduce your symptoms.

Change is possible. When you’re ready to get help with your severe anxiety, reach out to our Admissions Concierge Team. We’ll take the next steps together, toward the fullest, brightest version of you.

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