What Is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a Cluster B personality disorder that influences how people feel, behave and form relationships with others. Borderline Personality Disorder typically develops in adolescents or young adulthood and is characterized by overly emotional and impulsive thinking and decision making and an inability to cultivate a healthy image of self. Those struggling with BPD can find it, especially challenging to maintain personal relationships, careers, and friendships.

How Can Borderline Personality Disorder Impact Your Life?

Cluster B personality disorders are exemplified by behavioral patterns of impulsivity, an overwhelming need for adoration and acceptance, and highly emotional thinking. Mental health issues such as Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Antisocial Personality Disorder all fall within the scope of Cluster B Personality Disorders. While the causes of BPD are not fully understood, research points to both genetic and early developmental experiences as formative in shaping BPD’s onset.


What Are The Symptoms Of Borderline Personality Disorder?

As far as symptoms go, those struggling with BPD typically have limited distress tolerance, are uncomfortable when alone, and are subject to rapidly evolving identities. Other patterns of symptoms include overly risky behaviors such as unsafe sex, gambling addictions, and self-sabotaging reckless behaviors. More problematic symptoms incorporate episodes of self-harm, threats of suicide, and persistent patterns of feeling emotionally empty. Collectively, BPD symptoms can make it especially challenging to cultivate an emotionally healthy and fulfilling life.

Evidence suggests that symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder become more muted with age and that a series of psychotherapeutic interventions can moderate BPD and its corresponding symptoms.

How Can Lightfully Help With Your Borderline Personality Disorder?

At Lightfully Behavioral Health, we realize the importance of having a common language to describe symptoms the individual might be experiencing. Even so, we see our clients as more than just their diagnoses. Clients can expect an integrated and inclusive treatment plan from an exceptionally equipped team that focuses on the core processes which underlie their symptoms and all human suffering. In this way, we work to help the client develop an integrated self and a more balanced, meaningful life.

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