How You Can Stop the Dreaded Anxiety Spiral
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How You Can Stop the Dreaded Anxiety Spiral

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Anxiety is a common feeling that everyone can experience at some point. It’s a natural response to stress or uncertainty. It can also be a group of mental health conditions characterized by fear, dread and other symptoms. Sometimes, when anxiety becomes overwhelming, it can cause what’s known as an anxiety spiral. An anxiety spiral is a vicious cycle where anxious thoughts and feelings feed off each other, creating a snowball effect of fear and worry. It can cause you to feel like you’re being pulled deeper and deeper into a pit of despair. For the over 300 million people globally who experience anxiety, an anxiety spiral can be a common occurrence. The good news is that there are ways you can help stop spirals in their tracks and prevent them from happening. Understanding what an anxiety spiral is, what can cause it, and how to manage or prevent it can help you take control when anxiety strikes. 

An anxiety spiral is a vicious cycle where anxious thoughts and feelings feed off each other, creating a snowball effect of fear and worry.

Causes of an anxiety spiral

An anxiety spiral can be triggered by many different things. They often start with a small worry that grows larger and larger. Causes behind an anxiety spiral can include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Stressful situations
  • Negative thoughts
  • Past experiences
  • Perfectionist tendencies 
  • Health concerns
  • Uncertainty 

Impacts of an anxiety spiral

An anxiety spiral doesn’t just affect your thoughts. It can also have serious impacts on your physical and emotional well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. 

  • Physical effects — Anxiety can cause physical symptoms like a racing heart, sweating, shaking, headaches, stomachaches and muscle tension. Over time, chronic anxiety can also lead to sleep problems, exhaustion and cardiovascular issues. 
  • Emotional impact — Emotionally, anxiety spirals can leave you feeling overwhelmed, helpless and out of control. You may also feel irritable, restless or constantly on edge. 
  • Effect on relationships — Anxiety can make you withdraw from friends and family or cause misunderstandings and conflicts. It can be hard to connect with others when you’re stuck in your own anxious thoughts.
  • Difficulty focusing — When you’re stuck in an anxiety spiral, it can be hard to concentrate on anything else. This can make it difficult to get work done, keep up with deadlines or even enjoy your favorite hobbies. 

How you can tell if you’re having an anxiety spiral

Recognizing the signs of an anxiety spiral is the first step toward being able to stop it. Here are some signs that you may be experiencing an anxiety spiral:

  • Racing thoughts — Your mind may feel like it’s going a million miles a minute, and you can’t seem to slow it down. 
  • Catastrophizing — You may keep imagining the worst possible outcomes, even if they’re incredibly unlikely. 
  • Experiencing physical symptoms — You may feel your heart begin to race, find it hard to breathe or experience stomach troubles. 
  • Feeling out of control — You may feel like you can’t stop worrying, no matter how hard you try. 
  • Avoidance — You may start avoiding situations or people you think may make your anxiety worse.

If these symptoms sound familiar, you may be experiencing an anxiety spiral. 

Ways to stop an anxiety spiral

The good news is there are ways you can help stop an anxiety spiral in its tracks. Here are some helpful strategies:

  • Self-soothe — You can use calming techniques like deep breathing, listening to soothing music or wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket. 
  • Come back to the present — Try grounding exercises, like naming five things you see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell and one thing you can taste. This can help bring your attention back to what’s going on around you by balancing the nervous system.
  • Use healthy distractions — Do a healthy activity like reading, drawing or working on a puzzle. Keeping your mind busy with an activity like one of these can help take your mind off anxious thoughts.
  • Call a supportive friend — Talking to someone who understands can help you feel better supported and less alone. 
  • Go for a walk — Movement can help reduce anxiety, and getting some fresh air can help clear your mind. 
  • Shake it out — Physical movement, like shaking your hands, can help release pent-up tension. 
  • Write it outJournaling about your thoughts and feelings can help you process and release your anxieties. 

How to prevent an anxiety spiral

Stopping an anxiety spiral is important, but preventing a spiral from happening in the first place can make a big difference. Here are some ways you can help keep anxiety spirals at bay:

  • Talk to a therapist — Talking to a therapist can help you understand your anxiety and learn healthy coping skills to manage it. 
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices — Getting regular exercise, eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep can help reduce your overall anxiety.
  • Consider medication — For some people, medication can help them manage their anxiety symptoms. Talk with your doctor to see if this is a good choice for you. 
  • Create a relaxing environment — Make your space calming by adding soft lighting, soothing scents and comfortable furnishings. 
  • Avoid triggers — If you know that certain situations or people can trigger your anxiety, try to set boundaries or limit exposure when possible. 
  • Build a strong support system — Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand what you’re going through. 

Find peace from anxiety spirals with help from Lightfully

Anxiety spirals can be tough, but you don’t have to face them alone. At Lightfully, we understand that anxiety affects more than just your mind — it affects your whole life. Our compassionate, licensed experts are here to help you learn how to prevent and stop anxiety spirals through personalized, whole-person-centered care. We’ve pioneered our Precision Care Model (PCM), using a unique framework of evidence-based techniques to allow us to focus on treating the whole person, not just their symptoms or diagnosis. Our goal is to provide you with the support you need to regain control, manage anxiety, and live a healthier, happier life. You deserve care that understands your unique needs.

Change is possible. When you’re ready to take the first step, contact us. We’ll take the next steps together, toward the fullest, brightest version of you.

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