What You Can Expect From Short-Term Residential Treatment
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College can be a time filled with exciting experiences and opportunities for personal growth as the next chapter of your life. It can also be a time that leaves you struggling with intense experiences that can lead to mental health challenges. If you find yourself struggling, you’re not alone. Over 60% of college students met the diagnostic criteria for at least one mental health condition in the 2020-2021 school year. If you’re considering getting help, a short-term residential program can be a great option to help you jump-start your recovery journey. 

What is short-term Residential Treatment?

A short-term Residential Treatment Center (RTC) is a supportive environment that is dedicated to your well-being. Some are located in a home-based environment that is intended to promote safety and support for clients during their treatment. Unlike traditional treatment programs, short-term Residential Treatment is designed to be a focused period of intensive therapy and activities. During your stay in a short-term residential program, some things you can expect include:

  • Structured schedule — A clear routine can provide stability and reduce stress. Regular therapy sessions, group activities, meals and designated relaxation time can all be part of your daily experience. This can be helpful for students who are struggling with anxiety and depression.
  • Intensive therapy — You can benefit from daily individual and group therapy sessions. These can allow you to do a deep exploration of your challenges and development of coping skills. Your therapist may use an approach like process-based therapy (PBT). PBT is a fully personalized framework that uses some of the most effective components of evidence-based modalities. It centers on the four core processes that drive mental health symptoms like those associated with anxiety and depression that commonly affect college students. 
  • Supportive staff — Compassionate staff, from licensed therapists to case managers and other support staff, will be there to guide and support you through treatment. Expert therapists will conduct individual and group therapy sessions. These sessions provide you with a safe space to explore your challenges, develop healthy coping skills and build resilience. Your dedicated case manager can help you navigate your daily schedule, address any concerns and ensure that your needs are met. They can also connect you with available resources to continue your support after your stay. The entire staff is there to be your advocates, celebrate your victories and offer encouragement every step of the way. 
  • Focus on stabilization — Your short-term residential program focus will be to help stabilize your mental or emotional state. Once you are stabilized, the focus will shift to equipping you with skills for your ongoing recovery when you return to your everyday life. 

Benefits of short-term Residential Treatment for college students

A short-term residential program can offer a unique advantage for busy college students:

  • Focused recovery — The compact time frame can allow you to dedicate yourself fully to your healing without neglecting your entire semester. You can catch up on missed work or plan your return with the support of the treatment program. Summer break can also be an excellent time to invest in your mental health. If you take advantage of the summer break timing, you won’t have to factor in missing classes.
  • Reduced distractions — College life can be overwhelming. A short-term residential program removes you from the daily stressors and temptations that may hinder your recovery. 
  • Building skills quickly — Intensive therapy sessions can help you develop healthy coping skills and relapse prevention strategies faster than traditional outpatient programs. 
  • Building a support network — You can connect with peers who are facing similar challenges. This connection can help foster a sense of understanding and community within the treatment program. 

Make the most of your short-term Residential Treatment program

Here are some ways you can maximize the benefit of your treatment program:

  • Be open and honest.
  • Embrace the structure.
  • Actively participate.
  • Connect with peers.
  • Plan for aftercare.

Deciding to seek help can be daunting. However, it’s a great sign of strength to take the first step toward better mental health. Recovery is a journey, not a destination. 

Lightfully U’s Short-Term Option can be your personalized care choice for focused recovery

At Lightfully U, we take short-term Residential Treatment to a whole new level with our Short-Term Option. This program provides intensive, evidence-based care in a beautiful residential setting for just two weeks. Here are some of the things that help set our program apart:

  • Individualized attention — You’ll work with one of our deeply compassionate experts as your primary therapist. Your primary therapist will provide you with whole-person-centered care through our framework of evidence-based treatment during your three individual therapy sessions. These sessions can help you have an in-depth exploration of your challenges and develop healthy coping skills. You will also have a session with our psychiatrist to help ensure your comprehensive care. 
  • Strong support system — We believe family involvement is crucial in recovery. During your stay, you will have the opportunity to have biweekly family therapy sessions. These sessions can help foster communication and understanding between you and your loved ones. 
  • Group therapy power — Connecting with peers who are facing similar challenges can be incredibly empowering. We incorporate up to five daily group sessions led by our trained clinicians. These sessions can provide you with a safe space to share experiences and learn from each other. 

Prioritizing your mental health is an investment in your overall well-being. We can provide you with the focused support you need to get back on track quickly and help you reach your full potential. 

Change is possible. When you’re ready to take the first step, reach out to our Admissions Concierge Team. We’ll take the next steps together, toward the fullest, brightest version of you.

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