Lyn Goldring obtained the majority of her nursing education in Manchester England. She graduated from the Salford School of Nursing in 1985 as a Registered General Nurse then went on to obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from the University of Dundee. In 1987 she bravely boarded a plane to Los Angeles to start her adventure and further exploration of caring for people. She obtained her RN and spent many years working in acute medical settings gaining insights and skills. She found she was always holistically curious about the patients she cared for, not just the disease or body part that needed help but the “whole person”. She yearned to understand the “why” of disease processes and found her calling moving her from the critical care setting to women’s health, wellness and prevention. She spent time working as a Violence Prevention Specialist, going to the inner-city shelters helping young moms of domestic violence parent their children. Her feminist roots that were cultivated by her own experiences of an oppressive working-class system in England were once again activated as she witnessed women suffering. She found that she was helpful and was rewarded over and over by the women she witnessed taking their power back.
In 2005 Lyn was hired by a local Eating Disorder Treatment Center. She began what came to be a glorious twelve-year career that finally gave her what she had been looking for, caring for women’s minds, bodies and souls. Mentored for all of those years by Leaders in the field of Eating Disorders she built a nationally recognized nursing program. This delivery of care system acted as a foundation to keep clients medically safe and physically comfortable during their treatment stay. In 2016 Lyn proudly became a CEDRN, which helped consolidate her expertise. She went on to become a nationally recognized public speaker on the topic of Nursing and the Medical Care of Eating Disorders. In 2017 Lyn was fortunate enough to work alongside Dr Jennifer Gaudiani, renowned Eating Disorder Doctor and founder of The Gaudiani Clinic. This experience was invaluable in further deepening Lyn’s understanding and education of the complicated medical complications of eating disorders. In July 2018 Lyn was invited to join teams with an exceptional group of Eating Disorder experts as their Chief Nursing Officer to collaborate and build a new Eating Disorder Community. It was a fresh and unique approach to all levels of residential and outpatient care. Her work focused on integrating nursing teams and building a nursing platform to deliver client care in a holistic and safe way. Her pursuit of client inclusion help launch a state-of-the-art diabulimia program that opened up treatment opportunities for Diabetic Clients. She expanded her scope and became a CEDRN-S so that she could share her passion and knowledge with other nurses and professionals.
Today, Lyn enjoys being an independent Nurse Consultant where she is able to help and advise various Eating Disorder and Mental health facilities regarding their daily medical and nursing practices. She is currently collaborating internationally to help build a residential program in New Zealand. Her passion continues to be centered around creating spaces for clients to find recovery and the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives free from the oppression of mental illness.