Treating Anxiety with Online Therapy
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Treating Anxiety with Online Therapy

Reading Time: 4 minutes

If you struggle with anxiety, you’re not alone. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States, affecting 6.8 million adults. It can be an intense burden to carry, but there’s hope. Anxiety-focused online therapy can provide relief from feelings of distress and help you manage your anxiety more effectively. In this blog post, we’ll look at how online therapy works to treat anxiety and offer tips on finding a therapist that fits your needs.

Does online therapy work for anxiety?

While results may vary for any two people going into therapy, research shows no correlation between success rate and the medium through which therapy is delivered. There’s no significant difference between the success rates of those participating in online therapy for anxiety vs. those participating in therapy in person, with some online patients reporting even higher success rates due to the convenient nature of online therapy.

If your schedule allows for it, anxiety-focused online therapy can be a convenient way to get relief from common anxiety symptoms, including restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, unexplained pains and sleep issues.

Is anxiety online therapy safe?
Yes! The only difference in safety between in-person appointments and anxiety online therapy is the technology involved. All reputable therapy service will use HIPAA-compliant platforms, which have a high degree of safety and security when it comes to your sensitive information.

Our licensed, clinical therapists go above and beyond to ensure that your data remains safe and secured at all steps in the process, giving you peace of mind about your sensitive information.

How do I get rid of anxiety online?
Like any other mental disorder, anxiety will take time and concentrated effort to mitigate. Anxiety is part of the human condition, and a person can’t be entirely rid of anxiety, but a combination of therapy, coping techniques, and lifestyle changes can make the symptoms of anxiety much less severe.

We would strongly recommend booking an appointment with one of our compassionate Admission Concierge Team Members to gauge the current state of your anxiety, as the first step is generally the hardest. Admitting that you’ll benefit from help can lead to a world of good, but that first step must be taken on your own. Don’t wait, get in touch with us today. Feeling overwhelmed when starting a therapy program is common, but we’ve written a guide on how to take those next steps toward a positive mental outlook.

What do online therapists do?
In most ways, anxiety therapy online closely resembles similar therapy conducted in person. You’ll discuss ongoing events and feelings in your life, with a trusted therapist who will help you navigate your thoughts and emotions. Repeated visits, with applied effort, will lead to a better overall mental state for the participant.

The primary difference between in-person and online therapy is the medium through which therapy is conducted, with the venue shifting from a counselor’s office to wherever you may find yourself with a good internet connection. The ideas, practices and methodologies of anxiety therapy online are identical to those of in-person anxiety therapy.

What are the disadvantages of online counseling?

Online therapy is not without disadvantages. Some of these disadvantages include:

  • Anxiety online therapy isn’t always suitable for those with severe psychiatric disorders, as there may be an inherent distrust of any number of elements in regard to technology.
  • Your therapist may not be able to see facial expressions or body language presented in the course of a session, depending on the specific channel of therapy, which could mislead the therapist into creating false assumptions about the situation.
  • Anxiety online therapy isn’t equipped to handle crisis situations, including those where medicine is immediately needed. There isn’t the same level of hands-on problem-solving that an in-person therapy session would entail.
  • Technology can be unreliable, including inadequate internet connection to conduct video-based therapy, loss of connection cutting sessions short, website issues, etc.
  • It’s becoming less common as time goes on, but some insurance companies will not cover online-only therapy. Make sure to check with your insurance provider before starting a plan.

In addition, one should consider the work that a therapy patient has to do regardless of the channel. It may take some time to find a therapist that meets your needs,

Can I get anxiety medication through telemedicine?
Yes, you can. Not all anxiety online therapy services are able to offer this, and all of the standard regulations apply. Not all in-person therapists prescribe medicine, and the same is true online, as you’ll need an assessment and prescription from a licensed healthcare provider, such as a licensed physician or nurse practitioner. However, the vast majority of both in-person and online therapy services will prescribe medication as necessary.

State regulations will also apply, so take care to ensure that you know the law in regard to prescriptions. If your therapist is located in another state, this may cause additional complications in getting your medication, so be sure to look into the legal side of it before selecting a therapist from another state.

How to Decide if Anxiety Online Therapy is Right for You
Making the decision to pursue anxiety online therapy is a big one. It can be hard to know if this type of therapy is right for you, as all patients find different levels of success in different methods. Online therapy isn’t for everyone, but neither is in-person therapy. There’s no way to know what will or won’t work for you unless you give it a shot. Talk to your doctor, and do a bit of research on what therapy services are available to you in your area. With an informed process and awareness of all relevant information, you’ll be better equipped to decide the next steps in taking your mental health in a positive direction.

Anxiety is a complex disorder which can be experienced in many different forms. Many therapy types exist for the treatment of anxiety, and everyone responds differently to various therapies. Weigh out the pros and cons you see in each service, and you should be on track to decide what’s best for your mental health. We would love to assist you personally if you feel that we’d be a good fit for your needs, take a look at our admissions page to learn more.


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