How Can I Get My Loved One Into Inpatient Mental Health Treatment Near Me?
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How Can I Get My Loved One Into Inpatient Mental Health Treatment Near Me?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Seeing a loved one struggle with mental health challenges can be incredibly difficult. It’s natural to want to help them, and sometimes, inpatient treatment can be the right step toward their recovery. Inpatient care involves staying at a hospital 24/7 treatment. It’s a more intensive level of care than outpatient therapy and can be recommended when someone’s mental health symptoms are severe enough to interfere with their daily life or safety. However, a less intensive setting can be found in a Residential Treatment Center (RTC). RTC is a step down from inpatient care. It is in a residential setting instead of a hospital setting, but still provides 24/7 care.

Recognizing when inpatient care is needed

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Sometimes we all need a little extra help. While outpatient therapy can be incredibly beneficial, there are times where seeking inpatient care becomes crucial. This can be the case for people experiencing severe mental health conditions that require 24/7 monitoring. A formal diagnosis by a qualified provider is necessary for appropriate treatment, but a formal diagnosis isn’t always necessary when a loved one begins showing signs of a mental health crisis. Friends and loved ones can play a vital role by recognizing signs like drastic changes in mood or behavior, social withdrawal, or voicing suicidal thoughts. If you or someone you know is struggling, remember you’re not alone. There is help available, and inpatient care can be the first step toward recovery. Some signs your loved one may benefit from an inpatient care program include:

  • Thoughts of suicide or self-harm — These are critical signs and require immediate action. Please call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or visit their website for resources. You can also call 911 for additional assistance. 
  • Psychosis — Symptoms like hallucinations, delusions or a detachment from reality can be a sign that they need to be in a secure and monitored environment.
  • Severe and persistent mood swings — If they are experiencing intense episodes of mania or depression and these episodes are disrupting their daily functioning, inpatient care can help provide them with stabilization and support. 
  • Inability to care for themselves — If they are neglecting basic needs like hygiene or eating due to their mental health condition, this can be a red flag that additional intensive support is needed.
  • Eating disorders — If they are experiencing an eating disorder and begin to show signs like severe weight loss, inability to function daily, refusal to maintain a healthy weight, or suicidal ideation, inpatient care with medical supervision is essential. Inpatient care can help stabilize a person with an eating disorder. After stabilization, they may transition to a Residential Treatment Center or a different program to further support their recovery. 
  • Dual diagnosis — A dual diagnosis program is a specialized treatment approach designed to address the complex needs of individuals who have been diagnosed with both a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental health disorder simultaneously. These programs recognize that each condition can influence the other and that both must be treated together to enhance the effectiveness of treatment and improve client outcomes. 

The decision to help a loved one seek inpatient care can be overwhelming. You don’t have to do it alone. There are a variety of resources available to help you. You could also consider talking with your loved one’s doctor or a mental health professional for guidance. 

Finding the right inpatient program near Sunnyvale

If you think that inpatient care or a less intensive Residential Treatment Program might be the best option for your loved one, it’s time to start researching programs in or near Sunnyvale. Some things to keep in mind as you search include:

  • Insurance coverage — Have your loved one check their insurance plan so they know what level of mental health care is covered. Some plans will provide some coverage for inpatient treatment. However, there may be out-of-pocket costs or network restrictions. Contact their insurance company to get a list of in-network providers. 
  • Location and amenities — Consider factors like distance, program duration and facility type. Are there private rooms available? Do they have recreational activities or group therapy? These details can be important for your loved one’s comfort and well-being.
  • Specialization — Look for programs that specialize in treating your loved one’s specific needs, condition or treatment preference. Specializations could include:
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Trauma-informed care
  • Children or adolescents
  • Eating disorder treatment with a medical stabilization component
  • Geriatric psychiatry
  • Cultural competency
  • Treatment philosophy and techniques — Explore the program’s approach to therapy. Does it line up with your loved one’s needs and preferences? 

Contacting the inpatient care program

Once you have a shortlist of potential programs, it’s time to reach out. Here’s how the process can go:

  • Initial contact — You can reach out to the program by phone call or online through an inquiry or chat options.
  • Questions to ask — Prepare to ask questions about the program’s admission process, treatment approaches, client-to-staff ratios, discharge procedures and insurance coverage. Ask about anything you couldn’t learn from their website or confirm information you found.
  • Admissions process — This step usually involves an assessment by a mental health professional to determine if the program is a good fit for your loved one. Be prepared to provide information about their medical history, current symptoms and medications.

Supporting your loved one

Seeking help doesn’t make your loved one weak. It shows great strength and courage to admit the need for help. It’s also a commitment to taking steps to feel better. You can support your loved one during this time in ways like:

  • Keeping communication open — Talk openly about your concerns and offer them encouragement. Let them know you’re there for them every step of the way of their recovery.
  • Respecting their choice — While you might advocate for inpatient care, the decision can still be theirs depending on the situation. Be supportive regardless of their initial reaction.
  • Gathering information — Research mental health topics with them. Learning more about their condition can help empower them and make them feel more in control. 
  • Planning for discharge — Ask about aftercare plans. If inpatient care is the best choice, for step-down care would a Residential Treatment Program or an Intensive Outpatient Program be a good fit? Will they continue with outpatient therapy or medication management? Helping them understand what comes next can help ease anxieties about the future.

Beyond inpatient programming, continuing the journey to wellness with Lightfully

Inpatient care provides a safe and structured environment for the stabilization and initial recovery for your loved one. But their journey to long-term well-being can continue beyond those walls. Here at Lightfully, we believe in a whole-person-centered care approach using a framework of evidence-based process-based therapy (PBT). We offer a variety of levels of care with programs designed to seamlessly support your loved one as they move forward on the path to healing. Following inpatient care at an inpatient psychiatric facility or less intensive care at one of our Residential Treatment Centers, we have several options for continued outpatient care in the San Jose area to help your loved one maintain progress and build a foundation for lasting mental health:

  • Partial Hospitalization Program — We also call this our Day Treatment Program. It’s a higher level of support of intensive therapy and group sessions during that day, but allows clients to return home each night.
  • Intensive Outpatient Program This program is a less intensive level of care than our Day Treatment, but is still more comprehensive than standard outpatient therapy. It allows your loved one to manage their mental health while continuing to live at home. 
  • Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program This program allows clients to participate in therapy sessions from the comfort and privacy of their own home. It can be great if your loved one is transitioning from a higher level of care and needs continued support.

Change is possible. When they’re ready to take the first step, reach out to our Admissions Concierge Team. We’ll take the next steps together, toward the fullest, brightest version of them.

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