What Is Major Depressive Disorder?
Mood Disorders can range in their acuity and impact. Three distinct mood stages represent a spectrum of moods ranging from depressive to manic and bipolar. Depressed moods are characterized by sadness, lethargy, and malaise. Major Depressive Disorder (Depression): Depression is one of the most commonly occurring mental health disorders in the United States.
How Can Depression Impact Your Life?
Mood changes are traditionally a healthy part of the human experience. Positive experiences are paired with happiness and hopefulness and moments of loss and failure are often paired with sadness. However, when struggling with a mood disorder, one’s mood often does not reflect the circumstances of his or her reality. Mood Disorders have the disruptive characteristics of affecting one’s daily activities for the worse. Those with
a Mood Disorder may see impairments in their relationships, ability to succeed at school or in the workplace, and a pervasive sense of emotional dysregulation. Mood disorders remain one of the most prevalent mental health issues in the United States and affect nearly 20% of the general population on any given day.

What Are The Symptoms Of Depression?
Depression is defined by an all-encompassing and pervasive mood of malaise, hopelessness, and a lack of energy and motivation. Symptoms of Mood Disorders may affect far more than moods and can manifest in physical symptoms as well, such as aches, pains, and sleeping issues.
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