Social anxiety self-assessment test for teens
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Reading Time: 4 minutes

It’s normal to feel anxious or nervous in certain social situations, like giving a class presentation or going on a date. You may feel a tightness in your chest or “butterflies” in your stomach. But if you’re experiencing significant anxiety, self-consciousness or embarrassment during your everyday interactions, you may have social anxiety disorder (social phobia).

This brief anxiety self-assessment test can help you explore if what you’re experiencing is social anxiety disorder and if you should consider seeking treatment. Please note that this quiz is not a diagnostic tool. Only licensed health care professionals can diagnose mental health disorders.

Social anxiety self-assessment test

Self-assessment tests can be a valuable first step in getting the help you deserve. You may feel like your symptoms aren’t serious enough to seek help from a professional. This anxiety test can help you decide if you should follow up with your primary care provider and seek treatment for social anxiety.

Please answer each of the following questions on a scale of Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often or Very Often:

  1. Do you feel anxious or panicky before social situations?
  2. Do you fear that you will be negatively judged by others when in social situations?
  3. Do you avoid social situations because of fear or anxiety?
  4. Do you feel uncomfortable in situations where you do not know people well?
  5. Do you panic when you have to do something in front of others, like giving a class presentation?
  6. When in a group, do you imagine that others are judging you as weak, stupid, boring, intimidating or unlikable?
  7. When in social situations, do you worry that people will notice your anxiety symptoms such as blushing, shaking, stumbling over your words or staring?
  8. Are you very self-conscious of your actions when in social settings?
  9. Do you often worry about being in certain social situations more than you need to?
  10. Is your home life, school life, friendships or relationships affected by your anxiety?

Be sure to answer each question as honestly as possible. Once you have written down your answers to the anxiety self-assessment test, you can read your results below.

Anxiety self-assessment test results and when to consider seeking help

If you answered “Often” or “Very Often” to a majority of the self-assessment questions, you may have social anxiety disorder. 

Some of the common symptoms of social anxiety disorder include:

  • Blushing, sweating or trembling
  • A rapid heart rate
  • Feeling sick to your stomach 
  • Rigid body posture, or speaking in a quiet, soft voice
  • Difficulty making eye contact
  • Feeling self-conscious or fearful that people will judge you negatively
  • Avoiding crowded places or places with other people

It is important to note that social anxiety is different from everyday nervousness. Social anxiety disorder includes fear, anxiety, and avoidance of social situations or places with a lot of other people. This fear can get in the way of friendships, relationships, work, school or other activities. Although avoiding situations or places that cause you to feel anxious may make you feel better in the short term, your anxiety is likely going to continue over the long term if left untreated.

Treatment options for social anxiety disorder

There are a variety of clinical treatment options available to help you take your life back from your social anxiety. After completing this anxiety self-assessment tool, you may want to talk to your primary care provider about receiving an official diagnosis and pursuing one or more of the following treatment options:

  • Psychotherapy — A therapist can help you learn how to recognize and change negative thoughts about yourself. A therapist might also help you develop your confidence in social situations by helping you learn and practice social skills. This type of psychotherapy is called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). One CBT method is exposure therapy. In exposure therapy, your therapist helps you progressively confront the fears that are underlying your anxiety disorder. This CBT method can help you do the activities that you have been avoiding because of your anxiety. You can seek therapy in person or online.
  • Medication — Medication is another option to treat your social anxiety disorder. Your health care provider may prescribe you antidepressants, beta blockers or anti-anxiety medications. While antidepressants are usually used to treat depression, they can also help treat some of the symptoms of social anxiety. Beta blockers can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder, like rapid heart rate or sweating. Anti-anxiety medications tend to be powerful sedative medications and begin working right away to reduce feelings of fear and anxiety.
  • Support groups — Support groups or group therapy can be helpful for people with social anxiety. A support group can create a safe space for you to talk about your experience with social anxiety. Since everyone in the group would have social anxiety disorder, they could also share any tips or coping mechanisms they use to approach and overcome their fear of social situations. Support groups are available both in person and online.

Our Lightfully Behavioral Health specialists can support your social anxiety treatment 

Social anxiety can get in the way of your day-to-day life and interfere with your relationships. Getting help is hard, but you took the first step by taking the anxiety self-assessment quiz. Lightfully Behavioral Health can help you take the next step. Our licensed, clinical experts see each client as a complex and layered human — not just a diagnosis. With their support and your input, we can find the right treatment program for you and help you take your life back from social anxiety.

Change is possible. When you’re ready, reach out to our Admissions Concierge Team. Together, we’ll work toward the fullest, brightest version of you.

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