The Top 10 Most Stressful Life Events and Coping Mechanisms to Deal With Them
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In our society, many people live with a high baseline amount of stress. Providing for yourself or your family, working a fast-paced or high-pressure job, and having a busy schedule are all commonplace stressors. Neglecting your needs for relaxation and rest can also contribute. We all go through seasons of our lives that are more stressful than others. Certain life events are particularly hard to deal with. They may be things you can anticipate, but in many cases, they happen with no warning and no time to prepare.

Both sudden shocks and prolonged hardships can overwhelm a person’s ability to cope. Proactively caring for your mental health can help minimize the impact of stressful events. Those who don’t take steps to manage their mental health when they’re feeling good may have a harder time recovering from stressful life events. Mental health treatment may be necessary to help you make it through these times, even if you don’t have a diagnosable condition.

Your friends and family may not be able to understand what you’re going through. There is someone out there who does. Reaching out to ask for help and find people who understand is a critical part of the healing process.

In this blog post, we’ll list 10 of the most stressful life events you may ever experience and share some healthy ways to cope.

The top 10 most stressful life events

Each person may have different experiences that cause significant amounts of stress. There are several factors that may affect your stress level and your ability to cope. For instance, someone with a steady income and strong social connections may have an easier time dealing with stressful experiences than someone who doesn’t have those things. Regardless of how alone you may feel or how much life throws at you, it’s important to hold out hope that things will get better. Advocating for yourself can make the difference between struggling through it on your own and getting the help you need. 

The following are 10 of the most stressful life events most people will ever experience:

  1. Losing a loved one
  2. Ending a relationship
  3. Having a miscarriage or stillbirth
  4. Moving
  5. Losing a job
  6. Traumatic experiences or abuse
  7. Facing discrimination, prejudice or systemic injustice
  8. Being in jail or prison
  9. Receiving a serious diagnosis
  10. Becoming a parent

How to cope with stressful life events

There won’t be one single solution that takes care of all of your stress. You’ll need a strong support system to lean on that includes friends, family and people who understand what you’re going through. You may need a licensed clinician or care team to help you navigate this time. You’ll also need to find some healthy coping mechanisms that work for you. 

Try the following strategies to cope with stressful life events:

  • Reach out to friends and family — Spend time with people who love you and let them know how you’re feeling. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Find others who understand — See if there’s a support group in your area or online for the specific challenge you’re dealing with.
  • Focus your attention on a positive activity — Work on one of your hobbies in your free time. Doing something physical or creative can help you get grounded in your body and take your mind off your stress.
  • Create symbolic justice or a memorial — Taking action to seek justice or memorialize a loved one you’ve lost may help you feel a sense of closure. Consider donating to a specific cause in their name, holding a fundraiser or helping out someone in need.
  • Take care of your physical health — When you’re stressed, it may be harder to eat a balanced diet, sleep or get enough exercise. However, these are times when taking care of your health can make a big difference.
  • Find a creative outlet — Writing or art can help you express feelings that are hard to talk about. Just journaling or drawing might be a good way to clear your mind.
  • Seek mental health treatment — You’ll need different types of support during stressful times. A licensed clinical therapist or care team can help you manage your feelings and navigate tough questions that come up.

Get help recovering from stressful life events at Lightfully

Stressful events like the ones listed here have a way of making you feel alone. Your friends and family may not be able to understand what you’re going through. There is someone out there who does. Reaching out to ask for help and find people who understand is a critical part of the healing process. 

At Lightfully, we support our clients in learning to care for themselves as they deepen connections with their loved ones and our supportive community. We provide evidence-based treatments and help you develop healthy coping skills that make sense for your life and your interests. Group therapies are a significant part of our programs. We also incorporate family therapy sessions to help our clients’ loved ones learn how to support them.

Are you exploring treatment options for yourself or a loved one? Contact us or reach out to our Admissions Concierge Team. Let’s figure out your next steps together.

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