What are residential treatment centers & how can they help you?
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People often refer to mental health facilities as a general term for any place that deals with mental illnesses. There are actually several types of facilities for people who are struggling with their mental health. A few examples are psychiatric hospitals, psychotherapy offices and treatment centers.

One common type of treatment center is a residential treatment center. They can be incredibly beneficial for people struggling with a mental illness. Read on to learn about the ins and outs of this effective treatment center option.

What are residential treatment centers?

Residential treatment centers provide the highest level of psychiatric care available. They have 24-hour care for people who need overnight supervision. This provides a safe and secure space to work with mental health professionals. A mental health provider can recommend you to a residential treatment center. You can also volunteer to go on your own accord.

Medication and therapy are the two major pillars of mental health care. But inpatient programs take them several steps further. Residential treatment centers help treat mental health issues with multiple therapy sessions and nursing oversight. They also feature movement opportunities and weekly outings.

There are more than 12,000 mental health facilities across the United States. But fewer than 2,000 of them are residential treatment centers.

Residential treatment centers versus outpatient mental health facilities

Residential treatment centers and outpatient mental health facilities are both effective treatment options for mental illnesses. But it’s important to know the difference between the two.

The biggest difference between residential treatment centers and outpatient facilities is the amount of time spent at the center on a daily basis. Residential treatment centers are 24 hours a day, but outpatient services don’t offer overnight care. Thus, the offerings will differ — for instance, most outpatient facilities don’t allow outings. 

Outpatient facilities make up more than 9,000 of the U.S. mental health treatment centers.

5 benefits of residential treatment centers

  • Immersion — Residential treatment centers give you the chance to devote all your time and effort to your mental health. You can be completely focused on your mental health journey. There aren’t any of the distractions that come from daily responsibilities.
  • Multiple types of therapy — Therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment. There are all kinds of therapy, each with a different dynamic. Residential treatment centers give you the chance to work through your mental health issues in sessions with psychiatrists and therapists. There is also group and family therapy. Each type of session will provide different insight that will help you progress in your mental health journey.
  • Unique therapy opportunities — Therapy can be more than just talking. There are many therapy options available that allow you to safely express your emotions through a creative or relaxing outlet. Residential treatment centers offer activities such as yoga, art, dance and meditation.
  • Minimized trigger exposure — Triggers are one of the main reasons that your mental illness symptoms can worsen. Having triggers in your daily life can make it hard to learn coping mechanisms to handle them. In safe environments, like residential treatment centers, you can avoid possible triggers. This gives you the time you need to learn how to deal with them once you leave the center.
  • No access to harmful substances — Many people with mental illnesses turn to dangerous substances to cope with their symptoms and negative emotions. Increased substance use is common for people with mental health issues like major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Residential treatment centers prohibit harmful substances. This will help you learn healthy coping mechanisms.

Lightfully Behavioral Health’s residential treatment center is here to help

We offer four programs at our mental health treatment centers to assist people with their mental health journey: residential treatment, Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program (vIOP), Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), and Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), also called our Day Treatment Program. 

The residential treatment program provides inpatient services. It gives you the 24-hour care you need to focus on bettering your mental health. Your stay will include a variety of therapy sessions as well as weekly outings. There are even Safe & Sound Emotion Regulation sessions, on-site yoga, and more.

It’s important to know that change is possible. When you’re ready to take the first step to finding a residential treatment center, reach out to our Admissions Concierge Team. We’ll take the next steps together, toward the fullest, brightest version of you.

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