Understanding Bipolar Depression: Triggers and Symptoms

Understanding Bipolar Depression: Triggers and Symptoms

Living with bipolar disorder and its often debilitating symptoms can be both challenging and frustrating to deal with. Sometimes it’s hard to know whether what you’re feeling is coming from your mental health disorder or if it’s the result of something else.   ...

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Is Depression Real? Addressing MDD-Related Stigmas

Is Depression Real? Addressing MDD-Related Stigmas

Depression is a word that is used in many different ways. When it comes to mental health, the term often refers to major depressive disorder (MDD). Other mental health conditions can also involve depressive thoughts and feelings. Depression is a key aspect of...

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Shell Shock and the History of PTSD

Shell Shock and the History of PTSD

Humans have experienced traumatic stress since the time of our earliest written texts. Our concepts of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (CPTSD) reflect new ways of looking at natural biological reactions. However, many gaps between research...

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