The Complex Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health

The Complex Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health

The brain and the body are often thought of as completely different systems. They’re separate fields of study and have different doctors to treat them. But there are more connections between mental and physical health than you might think. Studies have shown that...

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What Is Codependence, and Is It a Personality Disorder?

What Is Codependence, and Is It a Personality Disorder?

Healthy relationships are based on a mutual give-and-take between both parties. When that balance gets disrupted, the relationship can become unhealthy. And if the relationship turns into one person constantly giving while the other one constantly takes, it can become...

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How to Help Teens Cope With Summer Depression (Summer SAD)

How to Help Teens Cope With Summer Depression (Summer SAD)

Many teens spend the final weeks of the school year making plans and looking forward to summer fun. But for others, the last afternoon bell marks a very difficult transition. When summer weather heats up and school is out, this can be a time when environmental changes...

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Treatments for Severe Social Anxiety

Treatments for Severe Social Anxiety

If the thought of speaking in public, attending social gatherings or even just making small talk causes you persistent and overwhelming fear, you may be struggling with social anxiety. Social anxiety, or social phobia, is more than just feeling nervous before a big...

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8 trauma disorders that can show up in children and teens

8 trauma disorders that can show up in children and teens

Our clinical understanding of trauma and related disorders has changed a lot in the past 10 years or so. We've learned how responses vary across age groups. We also know that emotional neglect and unstable caregiver relationships, as well as specific events, can cause...

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Bipolar Disorder 2: Treatment options after diagnosis

Bipolar Disorder 2: Treatment options after diagnosis

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that affects your mood and can cause significant shifts that can disrupt your daily life. There are two main types: bipolar I and bipolar 2. Bipolar 2 is different from bipolar 1 because it is not characterized by...

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Am I the Only One on Campus Who Feels Alone?

Am I the Only One on Campus Who Feels Alone?

As a college student, loneliness can be hard to handle. Comparing your social life to the lives of your peers, along with a constant fear of missing out, tends to make it frustrating to feel lonely. Loneliness can be especially difficult for students with mental...

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