4 ways online trauma therapy can benefit teens

4 ways online trauma therapy can benefit teens

Online trauma therapy is a type of therapeutic treatment. It's geared toward clients who are dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or who have been struggling to manage one or more traumatic events that have occurred in their lives. Traumatic events can...

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Self-harm relapse: Here’s what to do

Self-harm relapse: Here’s what to do

Self-harm is the act of intentionally harming oneself. Self-harm can take many forms but generally involves using objects or materials to cause pain to the body or prevent it from healing. It isn’t uncommon to see this in younger adults or teenagers. Self-harming is...

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Don’t let depression stop you from finding your passion

Don’t let depression stop you from finding your passion

Depression is a mental health condition that has affected about 16% of young adults and teenagers in the last year alone. This condition can make it increasingly difficult to find and maintain passions, especially for teenagers who are already struggling to build...

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Does OCD mean that you’re crazy? (Hint: No!)

Does OCD mean that you’re crazy? (Hint: No!)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by unwanted and intrusive thoughts that cause anxiety and discomfort. These thoughts, also called obsessions, can cause enough distress to a person with OCD that they feel the need to...

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Understanding the cycle of depression (and how to break it)

Understanding the cycle of depression (and how to break it)

Depression is a mental health condition that can seriously impact the state of your life. It’s usually a chronic condition. This means that a person is likely to experience symptoms more than once throughout their lifetime.  The symptoms of depression can feel like a...

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How to help your child cope with PTSD after a sibling’s death

How to help your child cope with PTSD after a sibling’s death

Having one of your children pass away can cause an imaginable pain that refuses to fade. While the death of a person is a loss to all of those closest to them, their immediate family feels it the most. And if you’re a parent who lost a child, it’s easy to think of the...

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