Adult Psychiatric Residential Treatment: What to Expect

Adult Psychiatric Residential Treatment: What to Expect

Residential Treatment could be the first step in your mental health journey. Or it might be something you try when outpatient therapy or a Day Treatment Program doesn’t provide enough support. Many people don’t even know there are treatment facilities that look more...

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Your Guide to Mental Health Assessments

Your Guide to Mental Health Assessments

There are several different types of mental health assessments. Some are online quizzes, some are clinical questionnaires with a scoring system and some are more like a conversation. The purpose of a self-assessment is to get some information about conditions you may...

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Understanding PTSD Triggers and How to Cope With Them

Understanding PTSD Triggers and How to Cope With Them

Have you ever walked through a crowded mall and suddenly felt a wave of anxiety wash over you? Or maybe a loud bang makes you feel like you’ll jump out of your skin, even if it’s just a car backfiring. For people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), everyday...

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Bipolar Disorder: Diagnostic Criteria for Bipolar Types

Bipolar Disorder: Diagnostic Criteria for Bipolar Types

Changes in mood are natural as you go throughout your day. But if you feel heightened emotions for one week, such as euphoria or agitation, and unbearably sad the next without a clear reason, it might be time to talk to your doctor about bipolar disorder.  ...

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