7 Reasons Why You Might Struggle With Anger You Feel You Can’t Control
Anger is a human emotion, just like happiness, sadness or fear. It’s a signal that something isn’t right. It can feel like a fire in your belly that can help you identify problems. But sometimes, that fire can feel like it’s burning way too hot, threatening to erupt...
How Trauma in Adolescence Can Affect Your Teen
Life is a long road that’s constantly changing and throwing roadblocks along the way. There are common challenges that can impact your teen. For example, they could lose a close friendship or have to repeat a class. More intense concerns, such as experiencing a...
Why Do I Feel Like Crying All the Time?
Tears can occur for many physical reasons, such as pain or an eye irritation. However, human beings are the only living creatures who produce emotional tears as well. For people, crying is a natural way for the body to release tension and stress. But if you're crying...
Understanding Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disorder
For people with bipolar disorder, the right medication can be life changing. Around 1 in 40 people in the United States age 18 and older have bipolar disorder. One of the symptoms that's most common with bipolar disorder is manic and depressive cycles. These cycles...
Can School Cause Depression Symptoms to Worsen in Teens?
Depression is a medical condition that can be caused by a combination of environmental, genetic and lifestyle factors. While there isn’t a singular cause that can lead to major depressive disorder, there are some factors that can contribute to the worsening of...
4 Symptoms That May Appear in Adults Who’ve Experienced Childhood Trauma
Trauma can have a long-lasting impact on people's lives, even if that trauma occurred a long time ago. Over 60% of adults report experiencing at least one adverse childhood experience in their lifetime. These experiences can cause trauma and potentially lead to...
The Relationship Between Anxiety Disorders And Cannabis Use
College life can become incredibly stressful between exams, social situations and figuring out your life. Sometimes, that stress can morph into something more intense, like an anxiety disorder. While some people may turn to cannabis use to help them manage their...
Hypersexuality: Common Causes and Treatments
Hypersexuality, also called compulsive sexual behavior or sexual addiction, causes a person to have an intense focus on sexual fantasies, behaviors and urges that they cannot control. The result of this intense fixation can have a negative impact on many different...
How to Help Teens Address Their Suicidal Thoughts
Suicide is never a joke. However, teens may talk like it is. For example, a teen may say, “I’m just going to kill myself” if they do poorly on an exam or don’t make the sports team for their school. However, if you believe that your teen is having suicidal thoughts,...