A Guide to Suicidal OCD and Dealing With Suicidal Thoughts

A Guide to Suicidal OCD and Dealing With Suicidal Thoughts

Are you overwhelmed by unwanted thoughts about suicide? For some people, these thoughts are symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD can be difficult to manage, especially when it triggers thoughts about death and self-harm. To deal with your symptoms, it...

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7 Helpful Tips on How to Work Through a Depressive Episode

7 Helpful Tips on How to Work Through a Depressive Episode

When you’re experiencing an episode of major depressive disorder, the end of it can seem so far away. Many people have all-encompassing negative thoughts and feelings for weeks, and sometimes even months.  The good news is that a depressive episode won’t last forever....

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How Alcohol Can Exacerbate the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

How Alcohol Can Exacerbate the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is that feeling of worry, nervousness or fear that can be really intense and sometimes even overwhelming. It’s natural to feel anxious from time to time, like before an exam or an important presentation. But for people with anxiety disorders, these feelings...

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