A Guide to Suicidal OCD and Dealing With Suicidal Thoughts
Are you overwhelmed by unwanted thoughts about suicide? For some people, these thoughts are symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD can be difficult to manage, especially when it triggers thoughts about death and self-harm. To deal with your symptoms, it...
5 Qualities to Look For in a Residential Treatment Center for Bipolar Disorder
A Residential Treatment Center (RTC) can be a great resource for mental healing and wellness. From depression to PTSD, RTCs are equipped to treat a wide range of conditions. One condition commonly treated in RTCs is bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mood...
Existential Depression in College Students: Why College Can Be Triggering and How to Cope
Existential depression isn’t your typical feeling down. It’s not a clinically recognized diagnosis, but that doesn’t mean what you're experiencing isn’t valid. It’s when you start questioning the meaning of life, your place in the universe and whether anything you do...
“Why Am I Happy Then Sad?”: Typical Mood Swings or Something Else?
Frustrated by mood swings that seem to be happening for no reason? A mood disorder like bipolar disorder might be the cause. While it’s natural to experience a broad spectrum of different emotions, persistent extreme shifts can be a sign of something more serious....
What Is Dissociation? A Guide to the Mind’s Response to Trauma
Do you feel disconnected from your own life? Does the world sometimes seem unreal or distorted? Experiences like this are called dissociation. Dissociation can be a symptom of conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, it is not necessarily...
Here Is How Professional Mental Health Treatment Can Help Teens Fight Depression
Depression in teens has been steadily increasing for at least 10 years. The number of teenagers who recently experienced depression increased by 59% between 2007 and 2017, according to data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The rate of growth was faster...
The Relationship Between Complex PTSD and Dissociation: Explained
When you’re in a tangle of emotions and conflicting thoughts, it can be helpful to take a step back for a moment and reevaluate. However, there’s a difference between temporarily disconnecting to change your perspective and dissociating from your reality. Dissociation...
7 Helpful Tips on How to Work Through a Depressive Episode
When you’re experiencing an episode of major depressive disorder, the end of it can seem so far away. Many people have all-encompassing negative thoughts and feelings for weeks, and sometimes even months. The good news is that a depressive episode won’t last forever....
How Alcohol Can Exacerbate the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is that feeling of worry, nervousness or fear that can be really intense and sometimes even overwhelming. It’s natural to feel anxious from time to time, like before an exam or an important presentation. But for people with anxiety disorders, these feelings...