These 3 Grounding Tips Can Stop a Panic Attack in Its Tracks

These 3 Grounding Tips Can Stop a Panic Attack in Its Tracks

Panic attacks can be highly distressing. A panic attack can come with many symptoms, from sweaty palms to a racing heartbeat. Other potential symptoms include dizziness, shaking, shortness of breath, and intrusive, rapidly shifting thoughts.  Panic attacks aren’t just...

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An Overview of 5 of the Most Common Antipsychotic Medications

An Overview of 5 of the Most Common Antipsychotic Medications

The quantity and variety of over-the-counter medications on the shelf at a drugstore can be a bit overwhelming. It might seem like 10 do the same thing but with wildly different outcomes and side effects. The same goes for prescription medications. For every type of...

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Depression and Brain Fog: Identifying the Connection

Depression and Brain Fog: Identifying the Connection

We’ve all had days where we just feel “out of it” or like we can’t get our brain to work in the way we need it to. While it’s expected for your teen to have the same feeling sometimes, it’s important to note when their brain fog is a sign of something else, such as...

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