How do guys deal with grief (and what can I do to help)?

How do guys deal with grief (and what can I do to help)?

There is often a stigma for men around grief. They’re typically expected to conceal their grief or stifle it. This can make it hard for men to fully experience loss and heal from it. If you’re someone who wants to help a guy you know the deal with their grief, keep...

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5 ways to help an adult child with depression

5 ways to help an adult child with depression

Depression, also referred to as major depressive disorder, is a mental health condition that is characterized by extensive and recurring periods of sadness or low mood. Depressive disorders are highly common, affecting nearly 10% of the adult population in the United...

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5 strategies to help you recover from a panic attack

5 strategies to help you recover from a panic attack

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably no stranger to panic attacks. The feeling of sudden and intense fear overwhelming your body is not new to you, but perhaps you’re still struggling with managing your panic attacks.  Maybe you have never personally...

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Understanding bipolar blackouts (and what to do about them)

Understanding bipolar blackouts (and what to do about them)

Bipolar disorder affects about 4% of adults in the U.S. It’s a mental disorder that involves intensive periods of mania and depression. Each can last for weeks to months at a time. This disorder is one that continues throughout a person’s lifetime, while episodes of...

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Does tough love work for people with bipolar?

Does tough love work for people with bipolar?

Do you or someone you know have bipolar disorder? It’s a type of mental health disorder that can cause a person to experience episodes of extreme emotion. These emotions swing back and forth between mania and depression. A person who experiences bipolar disorder can...

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