Treatment Options for ComPsych Insurance Members

Treatment Options for ComPsych Insurance Members

When you’re seeking mental health treatment, it’s important to find an accessible provider. Accessibility can have many facets, from convenient locations or virtual options to insurance coverage. Insurance coverage can enable you to receive effective, affordable...

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3 Places You Can Find Support for Perinatal Mental Health

3 Places You Can Find Support for Perinatal Mental Health

Experiencing mental health symptoms during or after your pregnancy can be worrying. You may be concerned about your ability to take care of yourself and your child as you navigate your mental health challenges. When looking for support, it can help to remember that...

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Mood Stabilizing Medications: Common Types and How They Work

Mood Stabilizing Medications: Common Types and How They Work

Certain mental health conditions can cause extreme high and low moods or rapid mood swings. Bipolar disorder is one of the most well-known examples; schizoaffective disorder can have similar effects. People with these conditions may experience manic, hypomanic,...

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