While college or university can be an exciting time in your life, it can also cause a flurry of other emotions. There are many negative emotions that are normal to feel during your time in school, such as anxiety, frustration and fear. Sadness is also common for...
As a parent, guardian or mentor, helping a depressed teen in your care can be a major undertaking. Supporting someone with depression requires empathy, understanding and continuous proactive involvement. If you are actively trying to learn how to help a teen with...
Psychological defense mechanisms are strategies individuals use, often unconsciously, to protect themselves from distressing thoughts, emotions, conflicts, or perceived threats to their self-image or self-worth. Splitting, also known as “black-and-white...
Online therapy has been around for a while, but skyrocketing demand for these services has led to an explosion in new telehealth programs. Because each state has its own regulations for mental health care providers, you can only work with a therapist who’s licensed in...
We can estimate that about 8.9 million people in Los Angeles experienced moderate or severe psychiatric distress during the 2020 pandemic. This is based on a study that shows 23% of adults in California experienced these symptoms and a city population of about 3.9...
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