Schizophrenia is a serious mental condition that seems to affect men and women equally. Paranoid schizophrenia used to be known as the most common subtype of schizophrenia, but the term is no longer used as a classification. Experts no longer refer to subtypes of...
Most people don’t learn how to take care of their mental health until they start to have symptoms of disorders, such as depression or anxiety. Maintaining mental wellness as an adult takes resilience, self-awareness, support systems, coping strategies and a...
To fully answer this question, we must recognize that the concept of “disability” carries different meanings and connotations in different social contexts. Some have seen disability as a disqualifier or “less-than.” However, many people with disabilities claim it...
There’s nothing unusual about feeling sad leading up to your first weeks away at college. Your first semester, finals week, winter break and the start of class each fall are all times when you might notice strong emotions. Academic pressure, missing your friends and...
If your teen has been showing behavior changes recently, like sleeping in more or staying home and withdrawing socially, it’s normal for you to be concerned. Today’s generation of teens is grappling with more complexity and uncertainty than ever before. Between the...
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