Online jobs and classes have become a standard practice in today’s world. But what about online therapy? If you have bipolar disorder or another mental health disorder, can you receive the same level of care online that you would in person? What does online...
Schizophrenia is a complex and often misunderstood condition. People with schizophrenia face more stigma than those with other mental health conditions. It can seem like they’re experiencing a different reality than everyone else. Unfortunately, people with...
Having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is challenging for anyone. If you’re a college student with PTSD, you will likely face your own set of unique challenges. Your college years can be an exciting time. College tends to offer a wide range of exciting new...
We’ve all been panicked before. Sometimes we intentionally try to be scared to get a dose of adrenaline that can be enjoyable for many people. Maybe we pay to go through a haunted house or zip line on vacation. Other times, we’re scared unintentionally, such as...
Living with bipolar disorder and its often debilitating symptoms can be both challenging and frustrating to deal with. Sometimes it’s hard to know whether what you’re feeling is coming from your mental health disorder or if it’s the result of something else. ...
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