The pressures we face on a daily basis can make us feel guilty about a lot of things. You may have felt guilty on past occasions about taking up someone’s time, making a mistake or even eating a candy bar. Guilt is an important emotion that can keep us from doing...
When they’re away from their friends and their usual routine at school, many teens aren’t really sure what to do with their time. They may be in need of some rest and relaxation. However, a four-day Thanksgiving weekend is a long time to sit around the house. With a...
Final exams are a particularly stressful time for many college students. You might already be exhausted from a long semester, or maybe the term has flown by faster than you expected. In any case, if you’re prone to symptoms of anxiety or depression, periods of stress...
Happiness is a complex and subjective emotional experience that everyone desires. While there’s not a one-size-fits-all definition, as the experience varies from person to person, it can be described as a feeling of: Contentment Joy Fulfillment Satisfaction Well-being...
Feeling a little stressed or worried is a totally natural part of life. However, when those feelings start to take over and make it hard for you to do everyday things, it may be a good time to consider anxiety. An online anxiety disorder test can be a good starting...
If you look at the warnings of many common medications, you’ll often see that it’s not recommended to mix them with alcohol. This warning applies to many common over-the-counter medications as well as prescribed medications, such as anxiety medicine. If you’re a...
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