Teenagers! These special people are in such a unique, transitional phase of life, toggling between their elementary past and grown-up future. Teens face significant and simultaneous changes during this time: physically, emotionally, and mentally, and the pressures...
Summer can be a busy season for many teens, packed with travel, camps, and activities. While these experiences can be great, awareness of the stress and burnout teens endure during the school year is essential. Lightfully Teen’s Summer Reset Intensives are...
Summer is a season of warmth and relaxation – we look forward to ice cream, baseball, and being in the sun! However, the summer can feel overwhelming for those struggling with mental health challenges, thanks to more social events and a less structured work or school...
Have you been waiting for the right time to start receiving mental health treatment? We understand how challenging it can feel to get started! While there’s never a perfect time, our summer intensives are a practical, proactive way to take that critical first...
Parent’s Frequent Fears about Treatment- FAQ 1. It will make my teen’s mental health worse if they have to miss activities because of treatment. For many kids, their extra-curricular activities are what give them a little joy in what may be an otherwise dark...
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